Particle Size
Would be nice if you could change the size of the particles, as in my opinion they are a bit to big.
Particle Size
Would be nice if you could change the size of the particles, as in my opinion they are a bit to big.
A bit 2Hard
I can agree with the previous reviews that some levels are a bit hard, it actually feels like the last levels where easier then the first, maybe reversing the order could be good. And a skip button could be good indeed as you might want to keep playing but cant find the last one. The snowflakes really went on my nerve before I found the last one which I simply had over looked many times (even if i looked in the fine details! >.<). But its was a really nice game over all, though I wasted some clicks on the one with santa on the roof, as there actually are some differences on the wallbricks spacing 'lines'.
That's the thing with spot the difference games - the aim is to hide the differences in plain sight, so it seems as though we succeeded... ;)
Sorry to have got on your nerves! ;(
Thanks for playing and taking the time to comment!
Good game and so but theres 2 much ads showing up, gets really annoying and makes me just want to close the game, atleast have the option to skip the ads even if they show up. As its really annyoing having to wait 10 sec all the time.
Its the same as the other one you uploaded yesterday? =S
yes that same. I thought that my game was not uploaded.